Welcome to my kitchen!

A collection of recipes made by myself or my family. I hope you enjoy them as much as I have!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Homemade Cracked Peppercorn Potato Chips

Home made potato chips not only taste great, but are simple to make! All you need is the potato, a little oil and the seasonings. I first started making these when I had a craving for something salty and crunchy, but was too lazy to go out to the store to buy something. I soon whipped these up and now I make them frequently. They go great either by themselves or with a sandwich!

What you will need:

Vegetable oil ( enough to cover the bottom of the pan about an inch deep.
3 Potatoes
2 tbsp Cracked peppercorn
Salt to taste
1tsp of garlic
1 tsp of black & red pepper flakes

To make:

1) Wash & scrub potatoes

2) Slice potatoes (do not peel them) into thin slices

3) Heat the oil in a pan on medium low heat

4) Add the potatoes, fry till golden brown. Keep turning each chip to cook evenly. About 10 minutes. The longer you cook them the crispier they will be, but careful not to burn them. If you do fewer at a time, they will brown better and will be crispier. If you cook too many at a time they will clump together and become sticky, making them harder to crisp.

5) In a bowl mix the the pepper and garlic salt together

6) Remove chips from oil when done and place on a paper towel Pat a little of the oil off, but not completely as this will help the seasonings stick.

7) Sprinkle the seasonings over the chips and lightly toss (Careful they are hot!)

8) Repeat the above until all chips have been cooked, add salt and enjoy!

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